Pasaż handlowy 13 zaprojektowany przez arch. Marcina Janowskiego zadziwia. Automatycznie otwierane drzwi skrywają świat ekskluzywnych marek odzieżowych. Im dalej tym różnorodniej. Zaskakuje śmiałe połączenie starych wnętrz z nowoczesnymi elementami. Według wielu najbardziej uroczym akcentem pasażu jest zawieszony na jednej z wewnętrznych ścian, niewielkiej wielkości balkon. Czy rzeczywiście tak jest? Przekonajcie się sami zaglądając 'przy okazji' pod krakowską trzynastkę...
Dwie zabytkowe kamienice na Rynku Głównym, tuż przy wylocie ulicy Grodzkiej, przekształcone zostały w kameralny pasaż handlowy. Ideą jego powstania była obserwacja podobnych, luksusowych obiektów w Nowym Jorku i Mediolanie. Harmonijnie współistnieją tu na pozór nie pasujące do siebie: renesansowa klatka schodowa, gotyckie sklepienia, szkło i beton, stal ruchomych schodów, oraz wind. Rewaloryzacja budynku wyniosła ok. 10 mln złotych.
"Przez zastosowanie surowego betonu i bardzo dyskretnych elementów detalu uwypukla się tu budynek historycznie, chociaż z drugiej strony agresywna forma schodów ruchomych jest rzeczą absolutnie nowoczesną.
Architektura nowa musi spełniać moim zdaniem dwie role. Po pierwsze być częścią epoki w której jest tworzona, czyli dzisiejszą architekturą. Z drugiej strony powinna tworzyć w pewien sposób tło i uwypuklać to wszystko co jest wartościowe w obiekcie historycznym."
arch. Marcin Janowski
Pasaż handlowy Likus Concept Store
Rynek Główny 13
Zdjęcia: Karolina Kozicka

Wasze opinie
2010-05-31 17:47:23 AXELEK
2010-05-31 17:08:31
Ciekawy pomysł na renowacje kamienicy i wykorzystanie jej do celów handlowych. Szklany dach rozjaśnia wnętrze, a gotyckie sklepienia wraz z balkonem, utrzymują bajkową aurę. Połączenie nowoczesności z tradycją warte obejrzenia:)
2016-06-06 09:42:06 good
In this article you will discover the forgotten laws of success that have been hidden from you for whatever reason and intention. If you want to know the hidden secrets of the ages, read this article. It is based on my personal review of a classic by Raymond Holliwell, which I had the pleasure of reading some time ago. lawadvice
With many different types of body shops available, it\'s important to know what type to choose in order to get the best care for your vehicle. Determine how to choose an auto body shop when your vehicle is in need of auto body repair. shoppingblog
In Bellingham, Washington, the City Council has been debating a tax code change for several months. Their aim is to promote affordable housing development in areas where it\'s most needed. Several options have been considered, and late last year all the debating and offering of tax provisions finally led to a decision. housedevelopment
In this article I want to discuss organised group tours versus travelling independently or solo around Europe. It may depend on your travel situation, how long you want to travel for, whether you\'re travelling alone or even your comfort level. So let\'s go through some the benefits and downfalls of both these methods of travel. grouptour
In many ways the words sustainable and fashion don\'t really sit together well. I have heard sustainable fashion described as both oxymoronic and a contradiction and perhaps this is true. Is it really possible for the fashion industry to become sustainable? fashionkeeper
It is not enough to know about healthy food or exercise. It is not adequate to focus on your body and forget about other aspects. Health is about the combination of all important factors. tophealth
Although most people vaguely understand what \"lemon laws\" are, few have a basic understanding of how they work. This article provides a detailed summary of the New York Lemon Law, and provides some practical information on how it can be utilized by New York consumers. lawcafe
There are many things to look for in a good auto body shop. A shop with the right certifications is important, as well as an experienced staff. Consumers should also make sure the facility has good reviews and accepts all or most car insurances before choosing a shop. shoppingguru
The steps needed to improve your home business profits into a well-oiled money-making machine aren\'t half as complicated as you would believe. I\'m going to share some of my home business easy money making tips that have helped me transform many of my businesses into successful and highly profitable organizations. improveyourhomes
If you\'re like most hopeful backpack travelers, you\'ll assume you should travel as often as possible, for as long as possible. But once you develop the freedom to travel indefinitely you\'ll realize the limitations of the myth of eternal vagabonding and you\'ll learn the real reason to travel lies where you\'d least expect it. drtravel
Being granted more rights and co-determination in society and public life, women realized around 1920 the need to reflect their newly adapted role in the clothes they were wearing. Equipped with a growing self-esteem and the desire to dress up in styles that signal their distinct personalities, new fashion styles were needed. fashionsaint
At the beginning of a new year we tend to contemplate our lives and try to find a way to improve our situation. We set goals and make a promise to ourselves to achieve these goals. The same should be done with our business... anybusiness
This article examines piracy from a legal and legal historical perspective. Topics discussed include the nature, source and analyze of the laws prohibiting of piracy; privateering; pirate criminal and trial procedure; trial defenses ect. While this article discusses pirate related law of various nations though it focuses mainly on British law. lawcareer
In today\'s busy world stress is everywhere. Buying the things you need and want need not be a stressful situation. This article will show you five ways you can you can insure that shopping relieves stress and save money at the same time. shoppingnow
Everyone wants their homes to look good - specifically the interiors of their homes. There is always something to be desired in the way that the interior of our places appear, but the one thing that prevents us from getting the desired look is lack of money. Home improvement costs money, even more so when the goal is for it to look good. luxuryhomeimprovement
2016-06-06 09:42:38 good
Looking to experiment with new hair style trends in 2006? Your choices abound! There\'s an absolute feast of looks to choose from. Update your hair style with one of these hot trends that dominate the hair scene this year. stylekeeper
Are you having a financial business website? Are you happy with the return of your investment in developing the website? I mean to say is the site focused to showcase your business? If the case is otherwise, you are in need of one of the best finance website templates. localfinance
If you are becoming despondent because you are always losing at World of Warcraft, you will probably benefit from getting a game guide. One of the most popular guides is the Zygor In-game Guides. This is a review summary of the Zygor guides and how they can help you improve your gaming experience. legalguide
You may be thinking about a number of key considerations when it comes to improving your home. Typically, most families will be thinking about an important balance. Is it better to move to a new property, or to improve the one that you already have? homeimprovementguide
If you have ever planned and booked a vacation you have probably seen a reference to or have been asked if you would like to purchase travel insurance. Many people think it is worthless and others wouldn\'t consider booking without it. So do you really need it? Let\'s find out... toptravelers
A writing style is a unique way of putting words together. There is no \'ideal\' style for web copywriting, as each client may prefer a different writing style depending on their targeted audience and company policy. styleblog
Business ventures, in their startup have a considerable amount of fear. The fear is of failing the venture and hence a considerable amount of capital, and in extreme cases, of going bankrupt. Business consultants have a very important duty of saving businesses from going bust right at the beginning. gobusiness
Is best personal development possible without the application of The 11 Forgotten Laws of attraction? Was the original version of the Law of Attraction - revealed to us all not long ago - just a hype? This article will attempt to shed light on some facts and the 11 Forgotten Laws. lawtoday
Improving your home is a good investment. Home improvements offer many benefits. It beautifies your home, making it more attractive and a comfortable place to live in. besthomeimprovement
One who wishes to go on an adventure travel may certainly have a very clear picture of what kind of adventure he plans to take on. You can plan it on your own but it is time consuming and a lot more confusing than you can imagine. travel101
The fashion scene in East Africa has seen a tremendous growth recently. Fashion showcases have become part of the East African social scene and several East African designers are now competing at the same level with international designers. topfashion
Read all kinds of articles about Business Entities? Here is one that will keep your head from spinning. From sole proprietorship to corporations, you will learn the differences between the most common business entities. mrbusiness
Isn\'t it fabulous to be able to hop online, and with a few clicks of your mouse you can start shopping for anything you want? No more slogging through traffic, hauling in and out of your car, waiting in lines and guzzling gas. We\'re too busy today to perform actions that are inefficient and unnecessary! internetshopping
Most people would think a million times before allotting their hard earned money to improve their homes. In this difficult times, an average homeowner keeps on tightening the budget for each necessities like food and clothing allowance, rent and mortgage. homeimprovement101
Travel club memberships are the wave of the future for educated travelers and there are many benefits to having a travel membership over the old fashion timeshare. Find out the benefits and why you need to have a travel club membership if you plan on doing any kind of traveling or vacationing... protraveler
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